Tennessee Valley Authority Announces Termination of Rolling Blackouts

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) terminated “planned intermittent interruptions,” known as rolling blackouts, across Tennessee and beyond on Saturday. TVA thanked the public for its “patience,” adding that the blackouts were necessary to “maintain grid stability for 10 million people across seven states.”

TVA announced Saturday that cold conditions across the area resulted in an “all-time December peak for power demand, as previously reported by The Tennessee Star. In a 24-hour period, TVA announced that it had supplied more power – 740 gigawatt-hours – than at any other time in its history.

“We are grateful for our 153 local power companies and industrial customers who have been key partners in weathering this extraordinary event,” Don Moul, TVA’s chief operating officer said in a statement.

Several power companies across Tennessee confirmed TVA’s termination of the rolling blackouts, including Nashville Electric Service which added that it “needs help” from its customers with “voluntary power conservation.”

Dickson Electric System also confirmed the termination of TVA’s mandate, adding its appreciation for its customers.

The Tennessee Titans game against the Houston Texans was delayed one hour on Saturday following requests from the Nashville mayor’s office for the team to stand “in solidarity” with fellow Tennesseans amid the rolling blackouts.

Nashville Mayor John Cooper thanked the team for its decision to postpone kickoff.

As cold temperatures continue to sweep the area, TVA is continuing to urge businesses and residents to “reduce electric power use as much as possible without sacrificing safety over the next 36 hours.”

A few ways TVA suggests the public conserve its power usage include:

  • Lower thermostats by just one or two degrees
  • Delay doing laundry or running a dishwasher until the warmest part of the day, and turn off unnecessary lights and electronics
  • When the sun is out, open window coverings on the sunny side of homes and offices, but close window coverings at night and when the sun isn’t brightly shining.

“We know that asking for power conservation is challenging, especially during the holidays, and we appreciate everyone’s assistance and patience,” TVA COO Moul added. “TVA and local power companies continue to do everything possible to minimize any disruptions while ensuring that the overall power grid remains reliable.”

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.
Photo “Nashville Electric Service Building” by cmh2315fl. CC BY-NC 2.0.


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3 Thoughts to “Tennessee Valley Authority Announces Termination of Rolling Blackouts”

  1. Lol. “We’re so concerned about rolling blackouts, that we’re going to wait a whole hour for kickoff and then feel good about ourselves with the amount of wattage used to power up our stadium. Thanks Plebes!”

    You just can’t make this crap up anymore, and they certainly don’t hear themselves. Pathetic!

  2. JRin

    How could this demand be less than the summer heat wave demand, when air conditioners are running? Air conditioning draws far more power than heating. Could it be that generation facilities which would be online in the summer are offline in the winter for preventive maintenance?

  3. LM

    No, Mr. Moul, the challenge is not “power conservation during the holidays” – it’s NO HEAT FOR 7 HOURS WHEN IT’S 3 DEGREES OUTSIDE. If this Don Moul is the person responsible for the power outages he needs to be fired. We do not live in a third world country.
